Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Temporal-lobe Seizure

My brain surgeon calls it a temporal-lobe seizure ... I don't care what the f.... you call it, my f'n head hurts! When I get this way it's hard to concentrate duh? My left eye is blurry and I feel dizzier than usual. SO DON"T EXPECT A LOT OUT OF ME TODAY>>>>>.

All I want to do is put my head down on my desk so the pain will go away...or maybe some tequila would help? Maybe something a little stronger like MORPHINE!!!!!

I can't take my medication because I have an important conference call this afternoon that I have to be sharp for.... go figure!

So I tell myself I'm hungry and I ate a plum, some yogurt mixed with grape nuts and a tablespoon of peanut butter...let's see if that works....drink some water maybe I'm dehydrated from this mornings bike ride, yea that's it...dehydrated...


Joanne said...

Oh, wow. That does sound very painful! Hope you feel better, and soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you have to deal with all that, Suzie. You are so strong!

Stepping Over the Junk said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Thank you for your comment on my blog. You are one courageous lady!!! Yes, Christian Science has soured me a bit...

Erina Hart said...

I'm so sorry that you don't feel well, Suzie! I do hope you feel better in the morning. I'll be thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

Suzie, I say after the conference call, treat yourself to an entire bottle of tequila. Your head may still hurt, but it won't matter. :P

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Guilty Secret said...

Sorry to hear about all that... hope you feel better soon.

Erina Hart said...

Congratulations, Suzie! I have given you two awards. Please find them both here:

Erina Hart said...

Well, looks like Blogger cut my message short. You can just look on the main page of my blog :)

Hope you feel better!

jAMiE said...

I know of your pain, i have the same thing...i hope by now you are feeling much better.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.