Monday, August 27, 2007

Just a Quickie, please!

Just a quickie.... no, not that! A quick update on the weakeknd!

Went to Buca di Peppo - just awful meal, awful service and over cooked food with a big price tag - that the waiter shouted out to everyone in the room the total on the bill ($176.00) because we complained that the food and the service was AWFUL!!!

Did the Saturday morning ride and didn't get dropped until the very, very last...hurray for me!

On the way home blacked out for just a brief moment causing me to fall and hurt my wrist BIG time! I've got road rash on my left leg. Couldn't lift my bike to put it back in the rack.

J gave me tickets to take the kids to the baseball rained and rained and rained. The game was canceled after we sat 2 hours in the rain under umbrellas. But they had fireworks!

My wrist throbbed all night.

Did the 'round the island ride on Sunday morning 52 miles of agony plus 3 mile to and from the house (58 miles people!138 miles in 4 days).... one of the Columbians wanted to know how old I was (50 something....OK, almost 60), he said I was a good rider (how about great for my age?). He came in 2nd place in the Publix Fitness Challenge Triathlon at Ft. DeSoto and has great looking eyes! he was also in his 20's well almost 30.

Didn't get dropped until way past the bridge.... actually at about 30 miles.

Didn't fall on the way home this time!

Took the kids to the beach so I could swim a mile. The water was hot..90's! Got my OWS done for the week!

Watched the Eagles play poorly.

Did a 25 mile recovery ride this morning and didn't fall!

Tomorrow the kids leave, I swim laps in the pool and run the regular 5 miles. Hopefully I get my test results. Now I have to call the neurologist about my "blackout" and my blurry'll wait to see if it happens again. I can see out of the other eye. What do ya think?


Not Fainthearted said...

You are amazing!!!

Are you resting up from your weekend today?

(And yes, I've been disappointed more times at Bucca than I care to admit....such a great concept-wish they could come through on the execution)

Erina Hart said...

$176.00 for dinner? Did you feed an army?

(I’m poor. High-priced food amazes me.)

I’m sorry to hear that your wrist was injured. I hope you are all better now.

Ninety degree water almost sounds too warm. Was it?

Anonymous said...

I love a woman who plays doctor. Lol, I think you should probably mention it--casually, so as not to worry her: "Oh, Doctor, thank you for my test results. How are the kids? Nice weather, I love it when the water hits 90, and oh by the way, I can only see out of one eye. Hey, the Eagles aren't gonna win any pennants, eh?"

Oops, my Canadian is coming out. Nix the "eh," eh.

Suzie said...

not - my rest is a short easy ride to get the blood moving and remove the lactic acid.

erina - we went to Tommy Bahama's for dinner it was a $300+ for four plus a child who eats like an adult.

and yes 90* is far to warm it is like swimming in a hot tub!

Suzie said...

Brown - I'm not a doctor I play one on my blog